
简_伍德文先生_发扬光大武當太虛拳_Mr. Wu Dewen, an outstanding successor of Wudang Taixu Quan


伍德文(1884——1974), 别伍柏,号雪波,祖籍广东新会县外海镇南山乡人,出身书香世家,崇尚儒家思想,精通诗词、古文,特长中医,秉承太虚拳家学,吾在六龄童时,得先人指点, 始习此拳,使我苦心锻炼,发明道理。到十六岁时,加以研习拳术一科(摘伍德文着《太虚拳经》),并将所得着成《太虚拳经》、《太虚拳诗歌》、《太虚拳 歌》、《太虚拳经精华简纂》等并有医学书籍《伤寒论简义》、《温病条便简义》等。

伍德文先生曾于乡间、港、澳及广州等地教授文史、武术、中医,成绩斐然。先生授徒均以德、智、体为根本,文武双修。由伍德文先生开始,经数十年,太虚拳重回民 间,广为流传。经伍德文传授,由新会至广州、香港、澳门、美国等地,太虚拳得以重现风彩,成为中国武术宝库中的瑰宝,这是伍德文先生倾力传播的结果。


Mr. Wu Dewen (1884--1974), alias Wu Bai, native of Guangdong Xinhui County, was grown up in a highly educated family.  He advocates Confucian thought, proficient in poetry, prose and particularly good at traditional Chinese medicine.  He started learning Wudang Taixu Quan from his father and uncle since the age of six After prolonged painstaking exercise, he deeply understood the philosophies of Wudang Taixu Quan.  At the age of 16, he exerted greater efforts focusing on Wudang Taixu Quan.  Thereafter, he wrote a great number of invaluable books and articles exploring this traditional Chinese martial arts 

Mr. Wu Dewen was outstanding in teaching literature and history, martial arts and Chinese medicine in his own country, Hong Kong, Macao and Guangzhou.  He emphasis ethics, intelligence and healthy physique a great deal upon his disciples.   After several decades great contributions from Mr. Wu Dewen, Wudang Taixu Quan revitalized through Xinhui to Guangzhou, Hong Kong, Macau, the United States and other places in the world. 

Until this point of time, Mr. Wu Dewen has thousands of disciples and students worldwide.  Guangzhou Wudang Taixu Quan Association, established in 1989, is Chaired by Mr Wu Dewen’s master disciple Zou Qiang.  The Association inherits the philosophies of Wudang Taixu Quan, conducts active research, inherit and continue to develop Taixu Quan taught by Mr. Wu Dewen The Association is a branch of the official Guangzhou Wushu Association and a corporate member Guangdong Chin Woo Martial Arts Association.  The Associations as a whole form a strong tide to uphold valuable traditional sports and traditional culture of Chinese Wushu.

